Fuel Injection

Richards Diesel Service & Repairs is one of the leading fuel injection specialists in Mid North South Australia. We are able to service and repair most new, current and older fuel systems which are fitted to a wide range of diesel vehicles.

We carry out the testing, repairs and servicing of diesel fuel injection pumps, governors and injectors at our well equipped workshop located in Port Pirie, South Australia.
Injector Cleaning

For the best in performance and economy, a fuel injector will inject the fuel in an optimal atomized mist that burns cleanly and evenly. Over time, fuel left in the injector tips after the engine is shut down gets cooked and can lead to a substantial amount of buildup. This buildup can stop the injector spraying a nice clean spray, resulting in a loss of power and economy.

The image below shows the difference in spray patterns between a clean injector and a dirty injector.

Call us today and book in to get your injectors cleaned. Reclaim that lost power and economy!

Richards Diesel Service & Repairs
300 Railway Terrace, Port Pirie, SA, 5540
Phone: (08) 8632 2474
Fax: 8632 6715
ABN: 67592376486